meet our elders

Westside Leadership

In Scripture, the position of Elder is interchangeable with Pastor and bears the burden of shepherding the local body of Christ. This office is separated and distinguished from both the general assembly or body of believers and the deacons. This position is identified as being filled by a qualified man who is able to teach. These are the Elders of Westside Baptist Church.
1 Timothy 3:1-7, Titus 1:5-9

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Christ in all. All for Christ.

Our Elders operate in plurality which means they all equally bear the burden of shepherding the flock.

Kinchen Family
Westside Icon Light

Jared Kinchen

Saved by grace alone. Husband to Rachel. Father of 7. Hunter and hiker. Founder and CEO of several businesses.
Oldham Family
Westside Icon Light

Kevin Oldham

Saved by Grace Alone. Husband to Stephanie. Father of 5 amazing kids. Avid but mediocre golfer. Attorney.
Webb Family
Westside Icon Light

Evan Webb

Saved by grace alone. Husband to Shaylee. Father of 4. Native of DSTX. Musician. Outdoorsman. CFO, Consultant.